Friday, March 18, 2011

How Lucky

      Sometimes we have to stop and consider how lucky we are. Just to stop and enjoy the moment and be thankful for what we have, its not inconcievable to think that it all could be gone at moments notice.
      I haven't watched TV much since November, except for a short house sitting assignment, but its hard to ignore whats happening around the world like the earthquake and devistation in Japan.
Its comforting to know that I can pick up and move quickly and have my home and supplies with me.
      There hasn't been much going on, just trying to finish up some small projects to the camper and the truck to be ready for the camping season. Its going to be in the 60's today and I have the day off from work :-)
I may go for a Motorcycle ride today.
The picture is of my camper on a truck I no longer have, It hauled it ok, but I thought it was to small.

This was last September at a biker get together on a private mountain top camp, with many live music acts and food and drink and good friends. I could of rode my bike and slept in a tent but i'm glad I took the camper because it got very cold at night and I was toasty warm. However my coach battery did not last the night, so I will be upgrading my battery to have more storage and adding a solar system over the summer.

1 comment:

  1. The devastation in Japan makes you wonder how long we have until the next disaster. hope I can get out on the road again soon - I need to be surrounded by trees!
