Sunday, March 6, 2011

On the path

I've followed many blogs, mostly by travelers and full time RV'ers, but have never blogged myself
I thought I would see how it goes.
   I am making plans my self for a life on the road .I've already sold my house last year and bought a Truck camper, (TC), and a Truck to haul it with. This would be my third TC to date, I have tried other campers
but seem to come back to a TC. Its hard to beat the versatility. I have lived in a fifthwheel trailer for a couple of years, But seeing that I fly solo, I don't need that kind of space.
   I have been fulltiming in my Bigfoot TC for over a year now and I love it. It may be small, but it has all the comforts of home and is easy to heat, cool, and clean. So I wont be having Thanksgiving dinner at my house, but that's OK with me!  
  I am very fortunate to have good friends to help me out, A very good friend lets me summer at his house with plenty of water and electricity and good company. I have only done short trips around my area, New England, as I still have a fulltime job that I will keep, God willing, until the weather turns cold this fall/winter.
   The winters are getting too tough to take the older I get, I've seen enough snow to last me the rest of my life.This winter has been one of the snowiest in the last decade.  I rented a big garage with water, electric, and heat for this winter and I have my home parked inside.
   Its been great as I can tinker and get some projects done that you could not do in the dead of winter.
As my ongoing quest to simplify continues, I have been selling things on craigslist and getting rid of things that have been hanging around that i have no further need for and its been going well so far.
  Since selling my house I have been paying off all my debts and have no credit card accounts or car payments, and for seven months out of last year had no rent to pay thanks to my good friends. So as spring is about to arrive I will soon be leaving my rented garage and saving all that rent money for my future Travels.
   Growing up we were taught to be good consumers and to keep up with the Jone's and to work work work, all the time being in debt and paying lots of interest and taxes to the powers that be. I just don't see the point anymore. The less thing I have the happier I'm getting, the lower my income requirements are the more at peace I feel. I no longer feel like trading fifty weeks of my year so I can have two to myself. Although I'm much too young to retire, I'll still have to work, just a lot less.
  So this blog will be just a place for me to jot down my thoughts and misadventures along the way.
There will be a bit of a learning curve.
   Oh, and if you were wondering about the blog name, It means, Bigfoot, in my ancestral tongue of the
Lakota Souix.                                                                                                             



  1. Welcome aboard the blog train! I look forward to your posts, and heard about you on Al's blog - Bayfield Bunch.

    I lived in a 5th wheel for a couple of years, then recently sold it and bought a Lance TC. I thought it would be simpler but for me it has not. Now I don't know what to do, except that I want to travel (from CA) back east for a few months - waiting for eye surgery to heal.

  2. Thanks Gypsy. Sorry the TC is not working out for you, they aren't for everyone, as they do have some disadvantages. They seem to have a lot of fans, so selling it should not be to much trouble.
    Its difficult to decide witch way to go.
    I'm not sure how long I'll travel this way, but I like the idea of being able to reach those out of the way places.
